The First Six Months
Pippa Evans collects stories from people about the first six months of parenthood.
For anyone in the middle of, about to go into or reminiscing about those wild times.
25 episodes
Relentless Enrichment
Minia is a massage therapist who lives in Bristol with her partner and her six year old daughter. We talk about the joy of being surrounded by women, dislocating her arm within the first two weeks, having a fabulous birth despite bits of placen...
Season 3
Episode 6
You Will Never Again Do Things You 'Quite' Want To Do
Margaret Cabourn Smith is a podcaster and actress and mother to two children. She talks about how she found the first six months really, really hard and how she kept Bridget Christie and Lucy Montgomery's names written down to remind her that p...
Season 3
Episode 5
Forgetting to Feed Your Baby
Jay Lafferty discusses all things IVF, fear of a C-Section, going back to work almost immediately and how one of the less talked about aftereffects of birth can be blood clots in your vajayjay. Always a pleasure to speak to one of my favourite ...
Season 3
Episode 4
Love and Anxiety
Alyssa Kyria is a fantastic comic who performs as The Funny Mummy around the UK. Married to Will with one daughter Lola, Alyssa talks about the ups an downs of her first six months, including her panic at the sudden realisation that children ar...
Season 3
Episode 1
Pull A John And Yoko
Melissa Jacques is one of the UKs West End Royalty and also mum to two girls. She talks about juggling Mamma Mia and a new baby, the kindness of custard creams and how if they are the only person awake, you need to call Mary Poppins. <...
Season 3
Episode 3
Breast Is Best Except When It's Not
Ali is the local Sing and Sign leader in Edinburgh, where Pippa lives. Ali is married with three children and talks all things mastitis, PND and deciding to have more children when the first-first six months is so tricky. We also agree that Sle...
Season 3
Episode 2
The First Six Months - Cathrine Frost Bonus
Whilst at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Pippa went to see Good Luck, Cathrine Frost - a brilliant show about pregnancy, miscarriage and motherhood which somehow manages to talk about all these things with a lightness and a seriousness, whilst ...
Season 2
Episode 10
The First Six Months - Sophie
Content Warning: Difficult birthPippa talks to Sophie about a tricky birth, body autonomy and uncovering health issues later in life that may have impacted those first six months.
Season 2
Episode 9
The First Six Months- Gemma
TW: MiscarriageIn this episode, Pippa talks to Gemma about having a baby in a different country, sleep deprivation and the fear that comes when you have experienced multiple losses; how it can feel impossible to believe this pregnancy i...
Season 2
Episode 8
The First Six Months - Carrie Carlisle
CONTENT WARNING: Attempted suicideIn this episode, Pippa is talking to Carrie Carlisle about her First Six Months. Carrie’s husband tried to take his own life when she was six months pregnant, which meant her first six months was ...
Season 2
Episode 7
The First Six Months - Clare Bourne
Pippa talks to Clare Bourne (@clarebournephysio), a pelvic health specialist and full time mum. She loved her first six months but her second six months was disrupted by covid, meaning her husband couldn’t come home as a GP in the NHS. Clare ta...
Season 2
Episode 6
The First Six Months - Michelle
Michelle talks to Pippa about her relatively easy pregnancy and birth experience (amazing what we count as easy, that's all I'll say), having a Lockdown Baby and many tales of trying to express milk. #mum #newmum #firstsixmonths #m...
Season 2
Episode 5
The First Six Months - Prachi
"If you've waited so long for this, are you allowed not to enjoy it sometimes?"In this episode, Pippa speaks with Prachi, a mother and sexual health doctor based in Edinburgh about her experiences of the first six months. After a dif...
Season 2
Episode 4
The First Six Months - Cariad
Two weeks late, double mastitis and a 27 hour labour. Anything else you want to throw at me?Pippa talks to the delightful Cariad Lloyd about her first Six Months and how she managed to navigate the unbelievable number of challenges sent...
Season 2
Episode 3
The First Six Months - Roddie
Pippa talks to the delightful Roddie about becoming a dad for the first time and how he navigated supporting his partner, Natalie, through a difficult birth, in Covid conditions. Content Warning: We discuss the fear of cot death qu...
Season 2
Episode 2
The First Six Months - Mum
Being a mum in the 80s. Has anything really changed?I got the unusual privilege of interviewing my own mother, Trish Evans, about her four (yes, four) births. It was really lovely to talk about that experience with her and I had no idea...
Season 2
Episode 1
The First Six Months - Athena
Last episode in this series. Athena talks to Pippa about suspected PTSD, moving in with her mum and how Capitalism is telling us we need things we don't. Had to mark this one EXPLICIT but only for a couple of swears.
Season 1
Episode 9
The First Six Months - Lara
Lara talks to Pippa about becoming a mother at 20, buying everything the books tell you to and then regretting it and how hard it can be to maintain friendships when you are the first one of your group to have a baby.
Season 1
Episode 8
The First Six Months - Jen
Jen talks to Pippa about being a solo IVF mum, horrific mastitis and an obsession with Bourbon biscuits.
Season 1
Episode 7
The First Six Months - Victoria
Pippa talks to Victoria about the joys of losing all bodily autonomy, the impact of her child arriving prematurely, particularly on her mental health and now looking back longingly at the excuse to simply enjoy the sofa and watch all those box ...
Season 1
Episode 6
The First Six Months - Siva
Pippa talks to Siva about her memories of the first six months which include drinking garlic milk, an obsession with breastfeeding and perhaps the best way to look at unsolicited advice ever proffered.
Season 1
Episode 5
The First Six Months - Sarah
Sarah talks about adopting her daughter and the joys of juggling bureaucracy with all the usual first six months. And there's another vote for Tommy Tippee's formula maker.
Season 1
Episode 4
The First Six Months - Jo
Pippa talks to Jo about having a generally rosy memory of her first six months and what it's like for your contractions to start during a lovely pub roast.
Season 1
Episode 3